Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas to all!

Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed CHRISTmas this year. Levi was able to spend Christmas with Grandad and Grandma Dixie down in Yuma, I hear it was quite the dinner and a very enjoyable family time. We are hoping to make it down there next year for an even bigger holiday dinner!

Jacqui has spent the last week between Grandad #1's and Grandma Quack Quack's houses while I stay in Spokane and work. I have enjoyed the break (I have been sleeping in every day!), but also miss my little 'helper'. Grandad #1 sent some pics to post on the blog so here they are. Jacqui has been very excited about Christmas this year and was very impressed that ALL the presents under Grandad's tree had her name on it "not even one little one was for Grandad, they were all mine!" They had dinner with some of his friends from work, and she was happily the center of attention as she was the only kid there. She has been giving his puppies lots of attention and love. Grandad was pretty smart for her presents this year and wrapped up the fixin's for s'mores, her favorite. She was very excited and told me all about it on the phone. They also had a tea party outside by the fire, in the freezing cold... Grandad #1 tells me they spend hours out there, it is Jacqui's favorite thing to do with Grandad! They also went to see 'The Princess and the Frog' the new Disney movie, which Jacqui was pretty impressed with. Grandad #2 and Grandma Dixie got her the Princess Tiana doll for Christmas, and she thought that was pretty neat! Hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. It was cold in Spokane, but no snow. I worked the whole week, but enjoyed some time scrapbooking and looking at family pics. I will put up more pics and stories from Grandma Quack Quack and Grandad #1 as I get them over the next few weeks. God Bless!