Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lion King on Broadway

Jacqui and I took our friends Cori and Kris to the Lion King last night as our Christmas present. It was a spectacular show! The set was absolutely breathtaking, the lights, colors, details, everything was just amazing. The costumes are so creative, the dancers are the animals, as the costumes, and the lines of the animal blends right into the person. You cannot differentiate where the animal ends, what is costume, and where the human and the dancer begins. The dancers were all so graceful in their portrayal of zebra, elephants, antelope, lions and the other animals of the pride lands. It was a great performance and we really enjoyed it. It was a 3 hour long show, but Jacqui was even able to sit through it, and stay awake (we were up way past her bedtime on a school night!). At the end of the performance they were taking donations for Broadway Cares, a charity for fighting AIDS in South Africa. Jacqui and I were able to donate and got a picture with Mufasa and little Simba. Little Simba is a 10 year old boy, and he was amazing on stage, he has quite a voice and is quite the little spunky dancer! It was a great show and we really had a great time. The Lion King has a great message and if any of you get a chance to see this show, there is definitely a reason it is a number 1 Broadway production. You will not be disappointed, we are hoping to go again next year, if they still come to Spokane. The set was so intricate and detailed, the lighting exquisite, you really felt like you were right there in the Pride Lands, or part of the jungle... The singing was marvelous, these guys can sing! My favorite was Rafiki, who was played by a woman. Her voice was very powerful and moving. It was a great show, and a wonderful Christmas memory.


christajensen said...

I love the picture of the two of you!!! What a photogenic pair. I'm sure Jacqui will have very special memories of this fun night out with mom. I'm glad you got to see the musical, I hear it is amazing!! Love you two, wish you were closer!