Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jacqui's First Parade

Jacqui was in her first parade today. She was a marching girl with her baton in the May Days Parade in Cheney. She was SO excited and did such a great job. She followed the teacher very well, and even helped her lead the rest of the kids for a little bit. The teacher was walking backwards to show the girls what to do, so Jacqui decided she could do that too. Slowed down the parade a bit, but she was sure stoked that she was just like the teacher! Hope you guys enjoy the pics. It was really warm out there, and would have been too hot if it weren't for the nice breeze we had going... Miss you and love you all!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandad!

We can contribute to the blog now! Thanks Kayla:) Happy birthday Grandad! Mike is eating some smoky nuts in honor of your special day!! Love you, see you next weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

Last weekend Grandad #1, Grandad #2, and Grandma Dixie were able to come up for the weekend to visit us. We were all planning on watching Jacqui march in her first ever parade with her dance class... but she got sick, and so we had to cancel the 'festivities'. She napped most of Saturday while Grandad #2 showed us how to play 10 pennies. We printed out the rules off the internet so there would be no creative rules made during the game... just keeping Grandad honest! By Sunday Jacqui was feeling much better and was able to open her present from Grandad #1 and from G&G. Grandad #1 shipped her a chest all the way from India. It is made of Rosewood and all the detail you see on it is inlayed wood. What an amazing chest. She will appreciate it very much once she grows older. When we opened the chest, which was no small task, it took maybe a 1/2 hour, and then Jacqui asked, "So now do I get to open my real presents?!?" G&G gave her a book and a light sword that she was very impressed with, and she played with those, while all the rest of us admired the chest.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

JR update

This is an update on the life of Jacqui, she has had a lot going on in the last few weeks. You guys should enjoy these little stories and get a kick out of them!

Well Jacqui had her first trip to the dentist last week and they said her teeth look beautiful! She was super stoked to see the dentist and to pick out gum when she was done. We had been talking about how great dentists are for a few weeks to get her prepared, as she had a preconceived idea that they only give shots and are not nice people. She was pretty impressed with how "awesome this is mom" and that they had chocolate flavored toothpaste for her teeth cleaning. We found out that her new tooth coming in looks great... AND... she has 5 more loose teeth! So hopefully she will have some teeth left when she starts school or even for Christmas next year. I forgot to take a picture of her in the dentist chair, but will take one for you all when we go back in a few months for her x-rays.

Next update, she got 5 shots the day after her dentist visit, and now is ready for school in the fall~! I have a story to share about her 5 year check up... Every time we go to the doctor, they have a packet the parents fill out to see if the child is meeting their developmental milestones on time, if they are behind, or if a certain area needs more attention. This particular packet is asking if
my child' knows numbers, letters, can draw shapes, her name... and so on. One of the questions says "have your child draw a picture of a person" and then stipulates "a five year old should be able to make a person with a head, body, arms, and legs". Okay I think, Jacqui likes to draw this should be fine... So I give her the sheet of paper and tell her to draw a picture of a person. She can't decide who she will draw and just can't draw a generic person because "mom that just makes things complicated" (a favorite new word). I asked her to draw a picture of me and forgot about it for much of the rest of the visit. She was working on her picture diligently in the waiting room and still when we got back to the exam room. The doctor came in the room and asked Jacqui all sorts of questions and then asks me for the sheet I filled out. "Oh sure" I say, "Jacqui are you done with your picture?" As a matter of fact she is and gives it to me, which I pass along to the doctor with little interest...

The doctor looks at the picture and asks Jacqui to explain what everything is... Jacqui says "it's a picture of my mom" She proceeds to show the doctor all of her drawing, the bangs across the forehead, mom's smile, mom's ears, mom's nose... She did a great job and did indeed meet the milestones, giving me 2 arms, 2 hands, 4 fingers on each hand, complete with fingernails, 2 legs, 2 feet and again the toes and toenails... and what else does my precious little 5 year old draw for her picture of mom? Well the doctor has the same question, "What are those Jacqui?" "Those are my mom's boobs! Her has two you know." Jacqui states matter of factly to our illustrious doctor, who at this point is obviously trying not to smile or make any eye contact with me (read some embarrassment at this point). I, of course, am fairly amused and also trying not to laugh... my sweet Jacqui doesn't quite get the humor and turns to me and says "Well mom, you do have boobs... one, two (counting and pointing)... you know?"

Needless to say, at that point, I am giggling and blushing and explained to the doctor that I am a nurse and so having a semi-anatomically correct picture isn't too out of context right(?!?) She was very reassuring and said Jacqui is doing very well on her developmental milestones, AND has great attention to detail (you don't say!). By the way, they decided to keep the picture to keep it in her chart, as part of her permanent medical record, so that will be fun to tease her about when she grows up!

Happy Mother's Day (late)

Well Happy Mother's Day everyone! Sorry it is a few days late but we were busy at the Cross household this weekend. Jacqui was supposed to be in the Jr. Lilac parade this weekend as a tiger... but got sick and so we didn't make it. G&G came up to visit with my dad and we got to have a great weekend with them. Jacqui still loves the Grandad number 1 and number 2 game, and she definitely puts them in their place. Thinking about all of you on Mother's Day, even if you're not a mommy yet. We hope it was good to you and you were able to spend some close time with family. Love you all!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Katie, Lucy & I went to Bainbridge Island for a fun day trip in April. We got some sun and Lucy loved playing on the beach! A great quick getaway for a day.