Sunday, February 20, 2011

Levi Pics...

Just a couple pics of Levi up and about now that he is out of the hospital...

And a pic of his neck after surgery. Hopefully it will heal up nicely :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Levi Update

Levi has been out of the hospital for a couple of days now. Overall he is feeling better and much more positive getting to be away from the loud intrusive distractions of a hospital! He has taken himself off his pain meds already (he says they weren't helping that much anyways!) and is working on healing. He has a significant scar on the front of his neck from the surgery. His throat is still a little sore due to them moving his windpipe and everything else to the side to perform the fusion surgery on his vertebrae... He is able to eat now, and swallowing is not so difficult. He is not looking forward to keeping his neck brace on for the next 3 months, but is learning to live with it. He is planning on going back to his previous living arrangements next week. He continues to have nerve pain in his thumbs that radiates to his forearms, but this is significantly less than it was originally. Please continue to pray that his healing continues, his pain goes away completely, and that he is able to stay positive. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Our family really appreciates it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Levi Update

Levi has been discharged from the hospital (YEAH!). He is pretty worn out and tired, but happy to be outta there! He will be at Uncle Steve and Aunt Susie's at least for this week, so Glenn can help him navigate his way around. He has a neck brace that he has to wear constantly for the next 3 months (cannot take it off to sleep, to shower, nothing...). So he has some challenges ahead of him, but he is medically stable enough to be out of the hospital. It will take some time and frustration getting used to the new limitations, but hopefully with everyone's prayers and encouragement he will be able to stay positive.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Levi is awake and feeling pretty good. He is cracking jokes and has a couple of his friends visiting. He is still having some tingling in his thumbs, but the doctors said he should be out of the hospital by around Thursday! Yeah! Proud of you Levi! Thank you God!

Pre-Surgery Pic

Levi and Glenn pre-surgery. He is rocking the hospital gown. I told him we (Jacqui and I) will bring her bedazzler when we come visit to spiff up his neck brace! I will post more later when he is conscious again later tonight or in the am...

Levi Update

Levi is now out of surgery. The surgeon said it went 'better than he expected'. They fused his neck vertebrae C3 & C4 together, then C5 & C6 together. They did not have to fuse to C7 so Levi's mobility will be better than they originally expected. Levi is in Recovery right now, and will be transferred to the ICU after he is done in recovery. Thank you all for your prayers... keep them coming for his recovery and healing from the surgery :) Love you all!

Levi Update

Levi just got word from the neuro - specialist doctors that they are going to do the surgery on his neck. They are going to fuse C3, C4, C5, C6, and possibly C7 together. This will reduce the mobility of his neck by about 50%. It will also strengthen his neck to reduce the chance of him becoming paralyzed later since he has multiple fractures of those vertebrae. He is going to go to surgery at 3pm, surgery can take 3-4 hours then he will be back in the ICU for a couple of days for recovery. He will have to wear a neck brace for at least 3 months after the surgery. They are hopeful that this will get rid of his arm and hand pain also. Any questions feel free to email. I will try to keep you all as up to date as possible... Love you all and Happy Valentines Day! Now is a good time for lots of prayers :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Updates for Levi

Hey all, clearly time has gotten away from me, I haven't added anything new to the blog in over 2 months! Today I just wanted to post to keep everyone updated. Levi, as you know, was hit by a car on Friday while he was on his motorcycle. He fractured 3 vertebra (C4, C5, C6) in his neck and has some compressed and bulging disks, but has all the functioning of his body. He spent the weekend in the ICU and today was transferred to a lower level of care (this is a good thing!). He is having some considerable pain that the doctors say may be chronic, but it seems to be slowly improving. His neurologists are trying to decide a plan of care for him in the next few days (they are considering surgery to fuse his neck vertebra together) so please pray that they have Divine guidance and make the best decision for his situation. Levi will have to 'take it easy' for a few months, but is staying in positive spirits. He is trying to keep his facebook updated with how he is doing and doesn't mind well-wishing phone calls, emails, or thoughts and prayers :)

By the way, his 27th birthday is this Wednesday and he will be in the hospital (it appears so far). He is at Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix.