Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted in over a month... It has been busy around here, we have had lots going on, on all fronts!

Levi is doing well, he continues to wear his brace and is healing well. He gets the brace off in May. He has been blessed to be able to change job positions and so he is able to work in the office off and on so that he has a little bit of income:) He is getting his first house and we are excited to help him get settled in and decorate! He is keeping his spirits up and looks forward to really going back to work. He still has the burning/tingling in his hands, please pray that this improves. It is manageable at this point, but would be better if it was gone completely!

Jacqui is going to be 7 (!AH!) on the 19th. We are counting down the days... She has decided to have a small, just 3 of her good buddies, party at Chuck E Cheese. We will be going to Seattle at the end of the month to see the tulip festival and visit family and do a little more birthday stuff there. She is excited to be 7. She is loving Littlest Pet Shop right now and we have taken up playing baseball at home. She wants to play, but working rotating weekends I can't get her to all the practices and games, so we are just working on it at home for now. She also has a fishing trip planned with Grandad next month and is looking forward to catching her 3 fish :)

We had her school conference right before spring break and she is doing well. She tends to talk too much in class (go figure) and that distracts her at times, but she worked on a timeline of her life where she wrote a story for each year, and it turned out beautifully. She really liked it and is learning the writing process, which is great. She is having fun in school and is enjoying learning, which is the most important thing. She has been talking a lot about chicken research (hilarious) as they did a report on chickens and they are learning how to research. It's great to hear about all her interests and see how she makes them make sense to her.

I finished my Servant Leadership course at Gonzaga and I think it was my favorite class yet. The instructor was Larry Spears, who is the guy who wrote many of the Servant Leadership books. So that was really neat and I learned so much in that class. It really generated a lot of thought and discussion for me and my dad and I have had some great conversations on the subject. I am getting more and more what my dad actually does which is nice, and I have a whole new respect for the servant leadership process... It is good stuff. I am now in a new class, which I do not like nearly as much, but I have only 4 more weeks to go and it will be done. I'm sure it is a valuable class, just not engaging to me...

Work is great, I have spent a couple of days on our medical units training as a medical nurse. I plan to stay in psych, but it is always good to have some cross-training so I can help out when needed. It also allows me to meet more people in the hospital, which I love. I have my 2nd Mental Health First Aid course that I am teaching this next week. It is a great program and very valuable for all jobs I think... It is a nationwide program and hopefully will start becoming available everywhere. We are the first to offer it within the VA, but many states are offering the training free through state grants... I'm pretty excited about it :)

Hope everyone else is doing well. Can't wait to see our family on the other side of the state, and we are excited for G & G to come back up to chilly Washington... Jacqui is excited to come spend the night and teach grandad her baseball skills. We love you guys! 'Til next time...


christajensen said...

Thanks for the update Kayla. We are very excited to see you both again soon, lets hope for some nice weather :)We are looking forward to celebrating a belated birthday/Easter with you both, what a fun treat to have a little one around!! Love you two :)