Sunday, March 8, 2009

Going to New Orleans!

Well I just had to share with you all. There is a Veterans Affairs Nursing Seminar that is being held in New Orleans in April and my work has decided to send me to attend!!! I am soooo excited to get to go back there (haven't been since Katrina). AND what is better than having someone else (namely the JOB) pay for the entire trip... Does it get any better? I think not! I am excited and feeling very blessed for A. for having a job at all with the economy as it is and B. having such a great job that allows me the opportunity to do this! The last day of the seminar we get to build a Habitat-For-Humanity house, so we get to help out and make a difference to someone, as well as learn what other VAs across the nation are doing to care for our vets and promote growth and change from within our own VAs. The only thing that will be stressful is I am going for 5 days 3 weeks into my final round of classes for my Bachelor's Degree (the classes are only 6 weeks longs). So I will have to be working ahead to make sure I get all my work done and in on time. I would appreciate your prayers for a safe and productive trip... Love you guys!


Glenn Cross said...

Pretty exciting...who is going to watch the little one???