Saturday, February 19, 2011

Levi Update

Levi has been out of the hospital for a couple of days now. Overall he is feeling better and much more positive getting to be away from the loud intrusive distractions of a hospital! He has taken himself off his pain meds already (he says they weren't helping that much anyways!) and is working on healing. He has a significant scar on the front of his neck from the surgery. His throat is still a little sore due to them moving his windpipe and everything else to the side to perform the fusion surgery on his vertebrae... He is able to eat now, and swallowing is not so difficult. He is not looking forward to keeping his neck brace on for the next 3 months, but is learning to live with it. He is planning on going back to his previous living arrangements next week. He continues to have nerve pain in his thumbs that radiates to his forearms, but this is significantly less than it was originally. Please continue to pray that his healing continues, his pain goes away completely, and that he is able to stay positive. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Our family really appreciates it!


Donna Stotler said...

Hi, Levi - Just wanted to tell you that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Your mom shared these updates with Jimmy, who in turn shared them with us. So sorry to hear about your accident, but we are pleased to read that you are on the road to recovery!! I look forward to reading about your continued improvement!!! Love, Donna and Jim Stotler