Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Day of School...

Well, since we are a family of teachers... I know this is super busy time of the year for everyone, getting the classrooms ready, meeting the kids, and assembling some kind of order in a chaotic classroom :) I am not a teacher (thank goodness!) but now have my baby in 1st grade! I can't believe she is already in 1st grade and all day school... She is SO excited to start; and this year will hold many firsts for both of us... She is going to a new school from last year, has a new teacher (of course) and will have all new kids in her class since she changed schools. She is also changing programs, which I am super excited about and will be in the Spokane Montessori program. We were able to meet her teacher early this week and check out the classroom. They have a turtle and some other little creatures that the kids take care of. Jacqui is stoked to be in all day school and is so far LOVING it! She did mention on Friday that the 2nd day of school was "way more complicated that the first day, I actually had to work on stuff today mom!" It was great!
Since I'm working day shift now, Hank and I are juggling schedules to try to get her to and from school... Jacqui opted to be in the before school program at the school. It is a great program, and I can drop her off before I go to work, since we don't start school here until 9am. They will feed her, help her with her homework if needed, and generally just hang out with other kids in the mornings before school for working parents. It is a neat program that Spokane offers, and Jacqui wanted to be AT school, not at day care, so it worked out well :)
These are her pics of her posing for her first day of school:) She is excited as you can see... Love the colors this year, the 80's are coming back! She has her 'Twinkle Toe' shoes on, apparently a hot commodity for her age group (gotta love TV marketing!). She loves her teacher, loves her class and is already making friends. She said she is the tallest person in her class. I'm not sure if this is accurate as she is in a 1-3 grade classroom, but I do know she had a few inches on many of the kids we saw at orientation... she's growing and will pass me up quite soon I'm sure!
Miss you all and hope the beginning of your school year is going well and settling down!