Monday, March 30, 2009

President's List

Hey all I just wanted to give you a quick update on school. I am currently on spring break and only have 6 eweks left of classes to my Bachelor's in Nursing Degree. I was able to finish it in 9 months because I have taken between 16 and 22 credits per quarter (almost double time!). Anywho, I recieved a letter from my school today with a certificate, apparently I have made the President's List for last qtr, and am off to a good start for this qtr. The President's List means I took over 12 credits and received a 4.0 in all my classes. I was pretty stoked and proud of myself, as I have been putting A LOT of work and time into this. Thought I would let you all know and do a little shameless self-promotion ;) Love and Miss you all!


christajensen said...

Good job Kayla! You have always been so smart,I'm proud of all of your hard work!!