Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some of our favorite Priest Lake Pics

The explorers discover Upper Priest Lake!

Christa & Kayla enjoying the boat ride to Upper Priest Lake.

The future Olympic gold medal swimmer.

Jacqui on Uncle Jim's boat!

Kayla, Katie, Jim, Diana, Christa & Jacqui at Elkins with Chimney Rock in the background.
Thanks for having all of us over for a great time Dad and Diana! Great memories!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Priest Lake

AAAHHHHHH! The serenity of the lake and a hot summer day... Jacqui and I were thrilled to be invited back to spend a week with the Fied's and stay at Uncle Jim's new AWESOME cabin! This year we had a special treat and we had our own Huckleberry Loft that we got to 'camp out' in. It was a perfect size for Jacqui and we loved our little area:)We spent at least an hour, sometimes over 4 hours every day swimming in the lake. Jacqui is a little fish and Lucy even got in on the swimming this year. We all dipped in the lake and enjoyed the refreshing cool water. I loved getting up and going directly to the lake for a few hours just to relax and swim (I don't know where Jacqui gets her love of the water!). We also took some great boat rides with Uncle Jim. Mike, Sean, Uncle Jim, and Kayla attempted to wakeboard... they were all pretty successful, except Kayla who flew right out of the bindings for the board. I will totally be ready for an encore next year though! I will be working on it! Jacqui and Kayla sang karaoke at Elkins, Jacqui picked "Beautiful Girls" to sing, which is a hip hop song about a girl leaving a boy and he is suicidal -- not probably the most appropriate song, but she loved it and has been waiting ALL year to sing that song and there was NO talking her out of it! She was tickled and is working on figuring out what song she will sing next year... I loved having 5 days completely away from work. My cell phone barely worked up there (which was actually great!) and we had absolutely no schedule except to play hard and enjoy the scenery and the lake attitude and atmosphere. We both got some new sweatshirts for school this year. It was a much needed vacation, and a perfect break for our busy summer.

One other thing, Jacqui LOVED spending so much time with the cousins and Uncle Jim. All that attention had her performing her heart out. With the encouragement from Katie and Christa she has become quite the drama queen and quite the story teller... So if we see you, ask her about her trip, or about s'mores, or swimming with Lucy, or learning to play 'Oh Heck!' and she ought to have a great story for you :) We really loved seeing everyone and can't wait to see everyone for our cousin's weekend coming up. Love you guys and thanks for the great and memorable week for the summer of 2010~!